Writen by Luciane Schwalbe,
How to transform simplicity into innovation for your business
Thinking of the pillars "problem, segment, product and technology" will guide the mapping of insights and the help identify innovative ideas.
Where do innovative ideas come from?
When we think of innovation, we are immediately led to imagine more complex things such as drones, rockets and a series of technological tools that transcend the imagination of many people.
But if we analyze do many examples of innovative ideas, we reach the conclusion that the great complexity is in the manner of viewing something from a different perspective and making it simple.
A recent example amidst the pandemics and the challenging times we live in was a simple idea of a Brazilian nursing technique disseminated by hospitals all over the world which brought comfort to many persons hospitalized as a result of Covid-19. She noticed that, by holding the patients’ hands, she made them calmer and more serene. So she began to utilize latex gloves filled with warm water for the purpose of emulating human contact and alleviating the suffering caused by the situation.
Therefore, innovating is transforming (treatment process) new (for the market, for your company) ideas (product, process, channel, customer…) into results (economic, financial, social, environmental…). And being creative is knowing how to connect these ideas and solutions.
And how to be creative?
The first step is to have a repertoire: expand your field of knowledge. Surround yourself with people who know more about you in various subjects, take part in events connected to topics of your interest and remain up-to-date with contents that are published in business vehicles, social networks and trend reports. Furthermore, we are hyperconnected and digital cannot be out of any strategy, after all, we are “digital and people first”.
Another point that we must always keep in mind is that the consumer/user is the center of everything. He or she, who has causes so many changes in retail, for instance, is increasingly demanding and engaged in social values and causes.
Proof of that is the biomimetics field, which studies nature’s creative principles and strategies, seeking to create solutions to mankind’s current problems by combining functionality, aesthetics and sustainability and is gradually gaining prominence.
Thinking of the pillars “problem, segment, product and technology” will guide the mapping of insights and the help identify innovative ideas.
1 – What is the Purpose? Innovation motivated by purpose creates economic values and contributes to the individual and social well-being;
2 – Analysis: encompasses emerging opportunities;
3 – Strategy: align opportunities for your organization;
4 – Go for the Conception: feasibility study.
From various skin-colored bandages, a cosmetic line for people with Parkinson’s disease, biosensors ensuring food quality, artificial intelligence creating images from text descriptions, smart textiles, games used for the treatment of children with ADHD to drones using moth antennae to detect chemicals in environments what we cannot depart from is an attentive look at consumers’ needs and the knowledge that people are increasingly searching for customized products and services. To achieve this, there are two ways: constant analyzing the current context and watching for trends.
50 Objects of Tomorrow Report