Writen by Cesar Mesquita, in 01/13/2024

3 minutes of reading

Generative Models: Revolutionizing AI Beyond ChatGPT

Generative models are much more than text processing tools. They have the potential to transform numerous industries and aspects of our everyday lives.

people working with generative models of AI

Welcome to the “Generative AI in Pills” series! In this first article, we will explore the universe of generative models, one of the most fascinating and rapidly growing areas in Artificial Intelligence.

Recently, these models have gained prominence in the industry, driven by the success of technologies like OpenAI’s ChatGPT. However, their scope goes far beyond.

What are generative models?

According to Wikipedia, the tools are deep learning systems capable of creating content. They differ from traditional discriminative models because, instead of just interpreting data, they can generate new data that resembles the original data in structure and content.

Why are they important?

The importance of this tool has intensified with the popularity of platforms like ChatGPT. These models not only process information but also recreate it, paving the way for innovations in various areas, from creating art or texts to modeling scientific data.

Types of Generative Models In addition to NLP (Natural Language Processing), the models extend to other areas:

  • Image Generation: Exemplified by technologies like Stable Diffusion, these models can create realistic images from textual descriptions.
  • Embeddings and Contextual Vectors: They are crucial in creating semantic vectors that represent texts or images, considering a wide range of features.
  • Audio: Generative models are also revolutionizing audio generation, from music to synthetic voices.
  • Translation and Multimodality: They can translate between languages and operate in multiple modes, such as text and image simultaneously.

Generative models are much more than text processing tools. They have the potential to transform numerous industries and aspects of our everyday lives. Follow our series to discover more about the exciting world of generative AI!

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