
+ ilegra

We worked to make the routine of one of the largest credit unions in Brazil more efficient and secure.


Cresol was looking for simple and agile solutions to help them migrate their work systems online, with the least possible impact to staff’s workflow processes. The company did not have the time for a large project that required months for implementation and for staff training and familiarization.

How we contributed

We organized Cresol’s migration to Google Workspace, which included customizing their applications. We leveraged a substantial existing tool to integrate the systems and delivered a sophisticated online working environment as a solution. The integrated use of Google tools helped to resolve lag from large attachments and mitigated the risk of any loss of sensitive information.

Future of Work
Human Change Management

The delivery of a sophisticated online working environment also included customizing applications.

Using an existing extensive tool to integrate systems helped to make it a smooth and efficient transition for Cresol. ilegra has provided Cresol's IT team with dedicated support staff to ensure that the new functionality has the right settings, in addition to the support that Google already provides through Workspace.

Paulo Sampaio

IT Director at Cresol

“We have all that we need to ensure that we can work in a simple, intuitive way.”